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Experts say teens suffer most from sleep deprivation

In “Generation Sleepless,” Heather Turgeon and Julie Wright, authors of the bestseller, “The Happy Sleeper,” uncover one of the greatest threats to our teenagers’ physical and mental health: sleep deprivation.

Caught in a perfect storm of omnipresent screens, academic overload, and unnecessarily early school start times, “Generation Sleepless” illustrates how our children are operating in a constant state of sleep debt while struggling to meet the demands of adolescence. 

Drawing on the latest scientific research, “Generation Sleepless” reveals that today’s teenagers are, in fact, the most sleep-deprived population in human history. They are also at a critical phase of development and need more sleep than their younger siblings. Yet, they’re getting drastically less. 

Turgeon and Wright joined us Monday on “Life.Style.Live!” to discuss what parents can do to help their teens improve their daily habits to increase their quality and quantity of sleep.

Packed with years of research and in-depth reporting, “Generation Sleepless” is a wake-up call for parents and equips them with the right tools to start a family conversation about sleep and, ultimately, regain connection with their tweens and teens. 

For more information, click here.