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Golden Steps ABA: Changing the lives of children with autism

Golden Steps ABA: Changing the lives of children with autism

Golden Steps ABA provides therapy in both home and clinic settings.

Home-based therapy happens in the child’s own space, making it easier to learn and apply skills in real life.

It also involves parents more, making therapy a team effort.

Clinic-based therapy offers structure and resources to support learning, along with opportunities for social interaction with peers.

Parents should consider their child’s needs and preferences when choosing between home and clinic therapy.

Some kids might prefer the comfort of home, while others thrive in a more structured environment.

Location, scheduling, and therapist availability are also important factors to think about.

At Golden Steps ABA, they aim to support their therapists so they can help children reach their full potential.

With therapy options across 14 states and many cities, they’ve earned respect for their personalized programs and meaningful relationships with families.