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Indiana high school seniors receive scholarships as ‘Black History Makers of Today’

McDonald’s is proud to recognize outstanding Black Indiana High School seniors with one-thousand-dollar scholarships, all a part of celebrating Black History Month. 

These “Black History Makers of Today” are being recognized as leaders in their schools.

Each winner is acknowledged for their ability to uplift their peers or their community through academic achievement and positive behavior.

Today two of the students receiving this special honor joined us today along with one of their principals.

Alexis Mason, senior at Perry Meridian High School, is incredibly hard-working and has a fantastic attitude that helps lift up others around her. She plans to attend Indiana University to study nursing.

Lauren Buesking, senior class assistant principal at Perry Meridian High School, says Alexis never backs down from a challenge and she’s always stood out as an exceptional student who goes above and beyond.

Quinn Sholar, senior at Warren Central High School, is very active in extracurricular activities. This includes being the activities coordinator for the student council and a member of the varsity football team. He plans to attend Wabash College to study economics and accounting.

There is a total of 20 Black high school seniors receiving these scholarships across the state, and eight of them are from Central Indiana.

The students have been nominated by a teacher, school counselor or employer. The scholarship will go toward their higher education costs as they graduate high school this spring and head to college.

For more on McDonald’s Black and Positively Golden movement to uplift communities visit,

For more on the McDonald’s Black History Makers of Today scholarships, visit these local Central McDonald’s restaurant pages: