Indy Library store holds book sale raising money for literacy, education beginning Wednesday

The Indianapolis Library Store is holding a sale to raise money for local literacy and education. Mike Ehret, Indy Library Store Coordinator, joined us today with all the details. Here’s more from him:

We still have the same great books; the same outstanding CDs, DVDs, and BluRays. But this time you get to choose the format you prefer to shop in. Do you like the open format (no registrations, the more the merrier) or are you more comfortable with a format that limits how many shoppers can attend?

September 15 to 23 will be a hybrid sale.

If you prefer the limited format, look for dates on the registration form that include the word “Limited.” Otherwise, sign up for any day you prefer!

For a limited session you will sign up for a 90-minute block of time (sale dates say “limited” in the sign-up). Sign-ups are limited to no more than 40 shoppers per limited session. Each person who wants to attend a limited session must sign up separately, whether an adult or a child. If you want to attend an unlimited session, there is no need to sign up.

We also ask that all patrons, as well as our staff and volunteers, wear a face mask even if you are fully vaccinated whether attending a limited or unlimited session. And, of course, social distancing is still a good idea for added security.

You may sign up for as many sessions, limited or unlimited, as you like. 

What about special Sale Days?

There will be two Half Price Days. One will be open, and another will require registration.

There will also be a $7 Bag Day with no registration required.

We’re looking forward to seeing you there whether you come to the fully open or the limited dates.

For more information visit, and