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Attorney general praises affirmative action ruling

WASHINGTON (AP) — Attorney General Loretta Lynch is praising the Supreme Court’s decision to affirm a University of Texas admission policy that takes race into account.

Lynch says diverse student enrollment is a vital part of America’s educational experience and creates a positive forum for scholarship and discovery.

The justices voted 4-3 to let the university’s admission policy stand. Race is among many factors in admitting the last quarter of incoming freshman classes.

The outcome was dramatically altered by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia, who opposed affirmative action.

The decision produced no real fireworks in the courtroom. Justice Anthony Kennedy announced the majority opinion and Justice Samuel Alito expressed his displeasure by reading a lengthy summary of his dissenting opinion, speaking for over 15 minutes. But while Alito’s words reflected frustration, his delivery was measured. He called the majority’s decision “simply wrong.”