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Family of Colorado theater massacre reacts to killer’s verdict

SPRINGFIELD, Ohio (WDTN) – The family of Matt McQuinn, one of 12 people shot and killed inside a Colorado movie theater nearly three years ago, watched the jury’s verdict on live television Thursday night.

After hearing “guilty,” Matt’s mom, Jerri Jackson let go a sigh of relief.

“That was yes, we got the conviction that we wanted. There was the chance that we wouldn’t have,” said Jackson.

“It’s a good day that he (Holmes) will never, ever be alone on the streets again. He can never hurt anybody else and it’s just a good day that this part of it’s over,” said Matt’s stepfather, Dave Jackson.

Since the death of Matt, Jerri and Dave have struggled. Still coping to adjust to life without their son. But both say they’re taking some comfort from the jury’s verdict.

“Not that anything will take away that loss of Matt but knowing that his killer is going to be punished. I think that it’ll make Monday not as bad,” said Jerri.

Monday marks the third anniversary of Matt’s death. More importantly, his mom said it makes her recall her son’s final act. Shielding his girlfriend from the bullets.

“He made is mama proud,” said Jerri. “I’ve heard that in death is your defining moment. And he thought of his loved one. and he thought about protecting her before protecting himself.”

Jerri said she will be going to Colorado to hear the sentencing and read her victim impact statement.

The jury will be back in court Wednesday to hear testimony to decide whether Holmes should be sent to prison for life, or sentenced to death.