Hamilton Co. Zoning board denies controversial barn project
ATLANTA, Ind. (WISH) — A controversial barn project in Hamilton County will not go forward.
The landowner said the barn would be part of his agricultural tech company but some neighbors are staunchly against it.
The Hamilton County Planning Commission gave the project a thumbs up in February. It was then passed to the Board of Zoning Appeals on Wednesday. After a vote, the project was rejected which puts property owner Terry Henderson at square one.
Henderson is the president of Achieva, an agricultural technical company and communications business. He said the barn would be used for training sessions and community events. Henderson did admit private functions like weddings could potentially take place.
Neighbor Ben Cox said the land is not zoned for commercial development. News 8 asked Hamilton County Planning Commissioner Mark Heirbrandt about the property. He said the project fits within the requirements.
“I think this truly comes down to not understanding that this is going to be an agricultural training barn,“ Henderson said.
“This business is actually a sales and marketing business,“ Cox said. “It has agricultural clients and that’s a big difference.
The barn would have been built just off 27th street in rural Hamilton County. Neighbors displayed their opinion by placing signs of disapproval along the side of the road.
News 8 is checking with the Hamilton County Planning Commission to see if there’s a chance Henderson could appeal his case.