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Study suggests parents’ drinking habits influence how much junk food their kids eat

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — According to a new study, kids whose parents drink too much alcohol are at a significant risk of getting hooked on junk food, which can then lead to food addiction later in life.

Researchers at the University of Michigan surveyed 357 adults and found men and women were twice as likely to binge eat foods like cookies, cakes, pizza and burgers if one or more of their parents abused alcohol. 

These results lead study authors to conclude people who have a family history of alcohol addiction may be at a greater risk for developing an unhealthy relationship with highly processed foods. 

The study was published in the journal of Psychology of Addictive Behaviors.

“The co-occurrence between food addiction and problematic substance use detected in this study indicates that treatment approaches may need to simultaneously consider addictive eating and problematic substance use,” lead study author, Lindsey Hoover, said in an interview

An estimated 70 million adults in the United States suffer from food addiction. 
