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Woman thanks firefighters who saved her life after she crashed into train

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — It was a heartwarming reunion between a woman and the firefighters who saved her life. The woman crashed her car into a moving train, her child was in the backseat.

The crash happened back on July 9 in the 300 block of Burgess Avenue, which is near Emerson Avenue and Brookville Road on the city’s east side.

The impact of the crash was so powerful that the woman’s car was nearly flattened. How anyone survived, she said, is a miracle. Perhaps more mind boggling however, is the fact that her child who was sitting in the backseat came out of the crash  without even a scratch. The woman gives credit to the Indianapolis Fire Department.

When firefighters go on runs, they never know what will be waiting for them. The afternoon of July 9th was no exception.

“We expect the worst. We got there and saw that we had a viable patient,” recalled IFD Battalion Chief, Shawn Grass.

That patient, 36-year-old Jennifer Roseman can’t remember exact details. She believes she turned around to check on her four-year-old daughter in the backseat, and let off the brakes driving right into the train. Her car was smashed so badly that it was unrecognizable. Firefighters had to free her from her mangled vehicle.

“Quite honestly, we didn’t know whether she was going to make it or not,” said Grass.

Amazingly, Roseman’s daughter Sophie was unharmed. She was taken to the hospital to be checked out, but released with no injuries.

“It’s a blessing. God was with us. For her not to get hurt, I just don’t see how she didn’t get hurt,” said Roseman.

Days after the crash, Roseman woke up, “Waking up in the hospital on life support, on a breathing machine-that’s the last thing I remember.”

Roseman lost an eye in the crash. She now has metal rods in her arm and leg and she suffered several broken bones, including; her femur, hip and jaw.

“I got to eat soup and drink through straws. It’s really hard for me,” she explained.

Still, she keeps a positive attitude, and she wanted to make sure to give credit where credit is due. So, on Tuesday, she went to IFD Station 25 to thank, in person, the men she credits for saving her life.

“It’s a blessing. It’s a miracle that I’m here because if they wasn’t there, then I wouldn’t be here,” she said.

Grass added, “The guys stepped up and did exactly what they they’re supposed to and I think it was a phenomenal run.”

Roseman said within the next week she expects to have the wire removed from her mouth. She will then be able to eat regular food. Also, her goal is to be walking again within a couple months.