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Community Link: Roberts Settlement

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Each week in Community Link, Carolene Mays takes a look at an organization or business that is making a positive impact on the community.

This week, Mays was joined by Lavella Hyter, president, and Bryan Glover, vice president, of Roberts Settlement, a historic African-American pioneer settlement in Hamilton County.

Hyter and Glover share the story of the settlement’s founding and how the founders migrated from North Carolina to settle the land and maintain their freedom.

“Their goals were to maintain their freedom and their liberty. In the 1800s, as slavery became a more entrenched and wicked system, their rights and liberties became in jeopardy. So, much like their Quaker neighbors who released their slaves earlier and migrated west, these free people of color decided it was time for them to go. Indiana was their promised land,” Glover said.

Enjoy the full interview above for more!