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Key insights for Women’s Health Month with Dr. Ferdinand

Women’s Health Month tips

May is Women’s Health Month, which includes Women’s Health Week from May 12-18. This period is dedicated to highlighting significant health issues women face. LaReesa Ferdinand, MD, an expert in women’s hormones, provides insights and discusses products aimed at enhancing health outcomes for women.

Dr. Ferdinand will host a session on April 30th to emphasize the importance of women prioritizing their health and personal needs. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the top health concerns for women include heart disease, breast cancer, osteoporosis, depression, and autoimmune diseases.

During her health checkup event, Dr. Ferdinand will cover several key topics:

  • The role of nutritional science in achieving a healthier life.
  • Strategies for relief from everyday muscle aches and stiffness.
  • Empowering women to meet various challenges with vigor.
  • Vital skincare and overall wellness information.

About Dr. Ferdinand: She is a board-certified OB/GYN and a women’s hormone specialist with a focus on integrative health. She is also a mentor and author. Dr. Ferdinand assists women in improving hormonal balance to enhance their productivity and wellness during perimenopause and beyond. She advocates that optimizing hormone function is crucial for optimizing one’s life.