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All Ball State summer classes to be virtual

(photo courtesy of Ball State University)

MUNCIE, Ind. (Inside INdiana Business) – In a letter to students, Ball State University says all 2020 summer classes will be virtual. In light of the current pandemic, the university says the decision will help prevent students from putting their education on hold and will help faculty and staff to plan ahead as far as possible.

“Thanks to our investment and innovations in online and strategic learning, Ball State is well prepared to offer students a meaningful experience and quality education remotely,” said Susana Rivera-Mills, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs at Ball State University.

Ball State says about 75% of its summer courses are already offered online and says it has a long tradition of providing distance education programs.

Rivera-Mills thanked members of the Summer Session 2020 workgroup for their thorough work and recommendations as well as the Division of Online and Strategic Learning, which she says has quickly and effectively supported faculty.

More information can be found by clicking here.