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Ex-Whitley County auditor gets 5.5-year sentence

COLUMBIA CITY, Ind. (AP) – A former Whitley County auditor convicted of stealing more than $125,000 has been sentenced to five and a half years in jail.

Jenny R. McGuire was sentenced Monday. But a judge suspended 18 months of her sentence and ordered her to serve the remaining four years in work release.

The (Fort Wayne) Journal Gazette reports McGuire admitted to stealing more than $100,000 from the county and more than $25,000 from the Indiana County Auditors Association. She used county credit cards to pay personal bills and purchase items such as meals, vacations and clothing.

Her defense attorney argued McGuire saved the county money on an investigation by confessing and resigning as soon as she was confronted. He says his client has repaid nearly all of the money she owes the county.