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Cool but mostly comfortable this Veterans Day weekend

Drew Saturday


This Saturday evening we will be another cool one with low temperatures just barely above freezing in Indianapolis. Temperatures will be at or below freezing in smaller communities or in the countryside outside of major Indiana towns. Wind will be out of the east at 5 MPH and skies will cloud up tonight but rain will not be in the forecast.


It’s looking to be another pretty nice fall day on Sunday. The skies will be mostly sunny in the morning and sunny the rest of the day. By the afternoon, temperatures will reach the upper 50s with wind still light out of the SE at 5-10 MPH. Should be a great day to get outside and enjoy what fall color you still can.


Sunday night should be another cold one with low temperatures once again just above freeing in Indianapolis and colder than that in smaller town. Winds out of the SE at 5-10 MPH. Skies will be clear which is great news because we will likely have an aroura borealis outside to keep an eye out for. The further north you are in the state the more likely you are to see some of the spectacle.


Monday will be warmer with high temperatures into the 60s thanks to plenty of sunshine all day long. The skies over all of Indiana will be almost perfectly clear. Winds out of the west at 5-10 MPH.


The next week ahead will pleasant and warm to start but cooling down and clouding up as we make out way towards next weekend. Despite these clouds, most of the next 8 days will be dry. The best chance for rain to sneak into the forecast next week is Thursday night into Friday. Even then, chances for rain are currently only around 20 percent for that time frame.