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How to report a pothole in Indianapolis

INDIANAPOLIS. (WISH) — Indianapolis Department of Public Works is out fixing streets throughout the city.

News 8 caught crews filling potholes on 42nd Street and Central Avenue on Thursday morning.

Public Works says 70 people in 12 crews on Thursday were conducting street maintenance.

Potholes are filled as requests are reported, with the first priority being those located on main thoroughfares which handle more traffic.

To report a pothole in Indianapolis, go to the Indy Pothole Viewer; use the RequestIndy mobile app on iPhone or Android; or call the Mayor’s Action Center at 317-327-4622.

Public Works reported Friday that crews have filled 89,887 potholes thus resolving 5,109 service requests since Jan. 1 using 1939.13 tons of hot and cold-mix asphalt.

Public Works has received 6,632 pothole requests in 2023.

The department on Friday issued a news release with added details.