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AARP helps members make the most informed decision about the COVID-19 vaccine

Their mission? To ensure AARP members and nonmembers alike have the most accurate and trustworthy information regarding the COVID-19 vaccine.

Here’s more with Sarah Waddle, State Director AARP Indiana, and Dr. Chris Weaver, Senior Vice President of Clinical Effectiveness for Indiana University Health.

AARP Indiana Vaccination Information Campaign
AARP, a nonprofit, nonpartisan member organization, has been working to promote the health and well-being of older Americans for more than sixty years. In the face of the global coronavirus pandemic, A-A-R-P is providing information and resources to help older adults and those caring for them.

  • AARP Indiana Vaccination Outreach Campaign
    AARP Indiana volunteers have been making a difference when it comes to COVID-19 vaccine outreach. Since mid-January, a dedicated team has been making phone calls to AARP members across the state to tell them about where to get information about the vaccines and how to register for a vaccine appointment if they and their healthcare providers feel it is the right thing for them to do.