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What to expect when salons reopen

Hair salons, barbershops and spas will eventually reopen in Indianapolis, and when that time comes we want you to be ready.

Abby Robertson, co-owner of Wild Horses Salon joined us today with what you need to know before visiting the salon.

1. We will be wearing masks!

2. We will fully disinfect the
tools station and chair between each client.

3. We will avoid unnecessary blow-drying. 

4.  We will have a new
cape for each client. 

5. There will not be magazines
in the waiting area.

To be a responsible client:

1. Please be symptom-free

2. Wear a mask.

3. Wait in your car until we
are ready if possible.

4. Come alone. Avoid bringing
anyone not receiving a service. 

5. Bring minimal personal
belongings to avoid the spread of germs!  

6. Avoid hugs and handshakes
even though we miss you!

7. Consider contactless payment (Venmo, Zelle, Apple Pay, PayPal)!

Abby Robertson is a Co-Owner of Wild Horses Salon. She has been in the industry for 17 years and specializes in hair extensions and color.

When salons are back open visit to schedule an appointment.

Follow Abby @arobhair on Instagram.