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Feng Shui Refrigerator Organization to Eat Healthier

Spring is the perfect time to clean out your fridge and reorganize it in a new way to help you eat healthier. Michelle Dudash, Registered Dietitian and Author of “Clean Eating for Busy Families,” helps set us on track!

According to Feng Shui experts, when you Feng Shui your fridge, you’re creating a calm healthy eating experience that can bring you joy.

  1. Purge refrigerator pandemonium
  • Start with removing everything from the outside of your fridge
  • Transfer your kids’ art work to a bulletin board.
  • Trash the fix-it man’s magnets
  • Move schedules and invites to the inside of less-used cabinets
  • Replace the clutter with a few inspirational magnets or images that represent peace, happiness and calm
  • Great book to learn more about feng shui: Feng Shui Your Life, by Jayme Barrett
  1. Display food in clear or colorful bowls and jars
  • After you dumped the condiments you tried that you don’t even like and trashed any old or expired food, it’s time to refill in a new way
  • Put whole seasonal fruit in wide, shallow bowls and put on the shelves, not in drawers
  • Move snackable produce to clear glass containers and put on shelves, too.
  • Hard-boiled eggs in a colorful bowl
  • Not all whole produce needs to be refrigerated, so keep that on a nice fruit platter or stacked platter, like for: onions, garlic, unripe avocados and pears, kiwi, onions, potatoes, tomatoes
  1. Prep that produce
  • Cut up snacking vegetables soon after you buy it so it doesn’t die in the veggie graveyard; put in Mason jars
  • Healthy deli foods and takeout should go in clear containers so you see it.
  • Edamame in jars