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How is your New Year’s resolution going? George Mallet gets an update from Indy residents

As the ides of March rapidly approaches, we took to the streets to pose a question: did you make a new year’s resolution and did you stick to it? We hit the jackpot when we dropped by the Artisan’s Marketplace to ask that question of a large, diverse, lunchtime crowd.

“My resolution was to become financially sound,” said a confident Karen Washington. “With that came making out a budget, looking at trying to project how I was going to spend my money for 2022.” For the record, Karen is sticking with that resolution and happily solvent.

Amanda Strain often makes a new year’s resolution but wasn’t feeling it this year. “I just felt like last year was really super hard,” she said with a sigh. “This year I didn’t really want to raise the bar any further, just wanted to get through it, and then maybe we’ll regroup for next year.”

For her part, Tanya Dearmond doesn’t take much stock in resolutions. She prefers a general state of thinking positively. “You should want the best for yourself all year round,” she said as she stood beside her barber’s chair. “If you want to change something, you should do that no matter what the day is.”

Karen Suitor knows herself too well to commit to a new year’s resolution. “Because the new year’s resolution I usually make is to have dry January, give up wine for January,” she said with a smile. “And, that usually lasts a half-day.”

In our entirely unscientific survey, we found more people eschewing than embracing new year’s resolutions, but their reasoning was universally well thought out.