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Mimi Blue Restaurants general manager prepares Classic Meatballs, Sashimi Salmon Bowl

When it comes to Mimi Blue Restaurant, one thing you can expect is great meatballs!

Michael Feltrinelli, general manager of Mimi Blue Meatballs, joined us today to show how they’re made. He then switched things up in the second segment making their Sashimi Salmon Bowl.

About Mimi Blue Restaurants:

Mildred (Mimi) Bluestein Kosene. “Mimi Blue”. Born and raised in Indianapolis. Back when downtown was the only town. When people got dressed up for the theater and restaurant dining was a luxury.

Mimi Blue Restaurants are a tribute to our mother “Mimi Blue” Kosene. Mimi was a Lady, endowed with manners, taste, and easy social grace. She loved good food whether dining out or cooking for a hard-working husband and three sons. Every home-cooked meal had to satisfy the whole family, as well as any friends who often stopped by. Cooking was the way she brought us together, kept us healthy, and showed us love.

At Mimi Blue, we make the kind of food Mimi cooked for us at home, but we serve it in the type of comfortable urban setting that Mimi so much enjoyed. Like Mimi herself, our meatball dishes are classics. Each recipe is rooted in culinary tradition but refined for the modern palette.

Have your Meatballs any way you choose. Mix meats, sauces and sides. Invent your own dish every time you visit.

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