On the Aisle with Tom Alvarez: Where you can see in person performances in Indy
Curtains are preparing to go up on in person performances, and online events are still happening, so there’s lots to talk about as we go on the aisle with Tom Alvarez, performing arts critic.
Fonseca Theatre Company, Aug. 13-30, fonsecatheatre.org
Music In a Time of Distance
Musicians of the ISO, Facebook
“The Agitators”
Live Cast Reading, Phoenix Theatre, Aug. 20th, Facebook
Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre, Through Aug. 9, beefandboards.com
Carmel Symphony on The Go
Carmel Symphony, carmelsymphony.org
Actors Theatre of Indiana’s Friday Night Live
Friday nights, Facebook
To read Tom’s reviews, previews and interviews on his “On the Aisle” blog, visit his website. Also, follow him on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.