Raising financially-fit kids

Give your kids one of the best gifts… that lasts a lifetime: a lesson on how to handle money and do it well! Josh Bach, Chairman/CEO, COFFE, and Charles Guynn, Executive Director, COFFE, share more on what COFFE is and how to talk to our children about money.Outwitting the Money Monsters:

-Time – most families have little to spare. Solution: Create a money mentoring team

-Peers – can have more powerful influence than family. Solution: Avoid parental isolation

-Media & Marketing – Convince children to want and indulge. Solution: Actively watch tv with children and offer tests as to the validity, motives, and nature of ads

-Magical Thinking – Tooth fairy, ATMs can lead to mixed messages about the reality of money. Solution: Tooth fairy gives toys instead of money. Walk child through the process of depositing money, using ATM, and decreasing the account balance.

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