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The Mind Trust: Hi-Five Cultural Curriculum

The Mind Trust: Hi-Five Cultural Curriculum

Today, Patrick Jones, The Mind Trust Senior Vice President of Equity and Leadership, joined us to discuss the importance of the Hi-Five Cultural Curriculum, especially during Black History Month.

This curriculum aims to provide a well-rounded cultural education for students throughout the year.

It promotes diversity, cultural understanding, identity formation, critical thinking, and preparing students for global citizenship.

The Hi-Five Cultural Curriculum, developed with input from teachers and curriculum specialists, is an English/Language Arts curriculum for Indiana state standards.

It highlights the historical contributions of Black and Latinx communities in Indiana, with lessons organized into four grade bands (K–2, 3–5, 6–8, 9–12).

Each lesson includes rigorous assessments similar to standardized tests, offering valuable data for educators.

The collaborative effort involved various organizations, including Lavinia Group, the Indiana State Museum, and The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis.

Aimed at educators with students in grades K-12, the curriculum is created in collaboration with Hoosier educators.

For those interested, an interactive training on the Hi-Five Cultural Curriculum is scheduled for February 23 and 24, offering professional development opportunities.

The event is free, and attendees who participate on both days may receive a $200 VISA gift card.

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