Alcohol review panel set to meet at Indiana Statehouse
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) – A group of law makers will meet once again at the Statehouse to continue to talk about Sunday liquor sales and cold beer sales.
It’s the first time this committee is meeting after two lobbying groups announced Friday they’ve come to an agreement allowing Sunday alcohol sales.
This will be the sixth time the Alcohol Code Revision Commission is meeting but the first time after two powerful lobbying groups that have argued over carryout Sunday alcohol sales announced a deal on Friday.
The Indiana Association of Beverage Retailers and Indiana Retail Council said Friday that they have resolved their differences. Liquor store owners agree to support Sunday sales. In return, retailers will oppose a proposal allowing convenience and grocery stores to sell cold beer.
Jay Ricker, the owner of Rickers gas stations, does not agree with the deal, saying it only benefits a few. He said “From the start we have advocated for a complete overhaul of these laws, and we won’t stop fighting until true reforms are enacted.”
And Hoosiers seem to support both expanded sales locations for cold beer and Sunday sales of alcohol. According to the latest Hoosier survey by Ball State and Old National Bank, a substantial majority of Hoosiers, 61 percent support the sale of cold beer in supermarkets and convenience stores.
A similar majority, 58 percent support Sunday sales. Lawmakers have to agree and make the changes during session in 2018