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Friday’s business headlines

Friday’s business headlines

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Here’s a look at Friday’s business headlines with Jane King.

Cummins to raise long-term financial targets

Executives at Cummins say the Columbus-based company is well-positioned to meet customer needs, drive real world greenhouse gas reductions, and generate growth.

The engine maker says despite the pace of the transmission to zero emissions, its partnerships, workforce, and customers will allow it to invest. Two years ago, Cummins introduced “Destination Zero” and aims to have zero emissions in the future.

Apple to add more accessibility features

More accessibility features are coming to Apple’s software.

One feature uses the front-facing camera and AI to let people with physical disabilities more easily navigate through iOS and iPad-OS with eye tracking.

There’s also another accessibility feature called Music Haptics, which lets those who are deaf or hard of hearing experience music on their iPhone by producing a range of vibrations when using Apple Music.

Both new features are likely to debut later this year.

Ticket Act to require sellers to list total cost

The House has passed the Transparency in Charges for Key Events Ticketing Act in an effort to increase price transparency for consumers.

The “Ticket Act” would require sellers to list the total cost of a ticket to buyers, including fees. The measure is one of several recent efforts to curb unfair practices in the ticketing industry.

It now goes to the Senate for consideration.

Cracker Barrel projects lower profits

Cracker Barrel continues to bear the brunt of high inflation.

The down-home restaurant chain says it’s welcoming fewer diners to its restaurants and projects lower profits and sales.

In a company conference call with investors, Cracker Barrel said it still has a strong brand and serves approximately 200 million guests a year. It will continue to focus on its marketing efforts and its rewards program, which has proven to be popular with guests.

McDonald’s introduces ‘Grandma McFlurry’

The newest McFlurry from McDonald’s is meant to bring back sweet memories of grandma.

The new “Grandma McFlurry” features a delicious syrup and chopped, crunchy candy pieces similar to the treats grandma used to hide in her purse blended in vanilla soft serve. It will be available for a limited time only.