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Camby auto shop looking for thief caught on camera stealing from lot

Thief caught on camera stealing from auto lot

Aleah Hordges reports

CAMBY, Ind. (WISH) – Surveillance cameras captured a man roaming Mr. Care Auto shop in the early morning hours August 30.

Owner Jason Monroe told News 8 the thief got away with four radios and several batteries.

“There ended up being about four or so vehicles in the front that had their radios missing,” said Monroe. “Then we got around back and noticed that several of the hoods of the vehicles that we keep around back until they’re ready were popped or open.”

Monroe said 11 cars were targeted in a four-hour period.

“He wasn’t in any hurry. He was super calm, collected. He worked hard, I mean he was here for awhile,” Monroe added. “He’d taken all those batteries out. They’re not light, so I mean, there were seven or eight that were big.”

Mr. Care Auto sells used cars and trailers. Monroe explained that because of the theft, more time and labor is being spent to fix them.

“It does slow the process down,” Monroe said. “Everything was up front and now has to go back around back so we can get radios put in them and get them back ready for sale.”

There are 16 surveillance cameras on the lot, with plans to add security lights above them. Monroe said smaller supplies were also stolen from inside the cars, but the theft of the radios and batteries will cost the shop a couple thousand dollars to replace.

“It’s just disheartening that people would rather steal than just–I mean he works hard. The guy worked hard out here. If he just put that into life, he’d have a good life,” Monroe said.

If the suspect seen in the surveillance photo looks familiar, or if you have any information that can help solve this crime you’re asked to call the Morgan County Sheriff’s Office at 765-342-5544.

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