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Hundreds gather for 18th anniversary of the Gatumba massacre

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Hundreds of people from across the U.S. came to Indianapolis to mark the 18th anniversary of the Gatumba massacre.

The commemoration of those killed is held every year to honor the ethnic Congolese refugees killed in the east African country of Burundi. In 2004, at least 152 Congolese civilians were killed by members of the Forces for National Liberation, and another 106 were wounded at a Gatumba refugee camp.

“We do this every year so we can raise awareness and seek justice. Because what happened in 2004 is still happening today,” said Espy Nasezerano, Chairwoman for the Gatumba Refugees Survivors Foundation.

More events are scheduled Saturday, including a memorial gathering at the 91st Street Christian Church. Mayor Joe Hogsett and Marion County Prosecutor Ryan Mears are scheduled to attend.