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Organization brings traveling art exhibit to schools to inspire students

(WISH Photo)

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Students at Edison School of Arts are getting to see a new take on an original piece of art from the 1970’s thanks to Arts for Learning Indiana’s third space art exhibit.

Arts for Learning is an organization that brings local teaching artists and their works into Indianapolis public schools.

The work of artist Samuel Levi Jones is now being shared in the cafeteria at Edison School of Arts located at 777 S White River Pkwy W Dr in Indianapolis.

The organization hosted an open house with Jones Thursday night at the school. The exhibit is centered around Levi’s piece titled “48 Portraits Underexposed.”

The piece is based on a work of art from the early 1970s. The original portraits in the piece featured only white men. Jones created a new interpretation featuring both black men and women.

Teachers at the school have incorporated the art into their own classroom lessons.

“Due to budget cuts, schools no longer have access to extra funds to bring resources to the community. So that is our role as an arts organization,” said Ploi Pagdalian, senior director of programs for Arts for Learning Indiana.

Jones’ take is now traveling to different schools on a weekly basis and teaching students how to look at art in a creative way.