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Another book by Mike Pence coming in November

Cover of the book "Go Home for Dinner: Advice on How Faith Makes a Family and Family Makes a Life" by Mike Pence with Charlotte Pence Bond. (Image Provided/Simon & Schuster)

NEW YORK (WISH) — Former Vice President and Indiana Gov. Mike Pence is authoring another book, this time with input from his eldest daughter, Simon & Schuster has announced.

“Go Home for Dinner: Advice on How Faith Makes a Family and Family Makes a Life” is on sale online for $30 in advance of its Nov. 14 release. It’s listed as being written by the current Republican presidential candidate “with Charlotte Pence Bond.” A writer, Charlotte is the second child of Mike and his wife, Karen Pence.

Simon & Schuster’s notes on the 352-page book say its short chapters will walk readers “through the principles that he and his wife, Karen, developed to raise their family.”

The Pences are from the Columbus, Indiana, area. Mike, who turned 64 on the day he announced his presidential campaign last week in Iowa, was born in Columbus.

According to the book’s publicity, he will discuss how he and Karen prioritized their marriage amid political and public service challenges, trusted God, made difficult choices, and took leaps of faith while keeping their family top of mind.

The publisher also says the book “is filled with practical, timeless advice about how readers can pursue their dreams while keeping their family close.

“This is a book for anyone who wants to achieve their goals and put their family and faith at the center of their life — but who needs a nudge to get home in time for dinner.”

Mike Pence’s first Simon & Schuster book, an autobiography titled “So Help Me God,” was released Nov. 15, 2022.