Bringing Venezuelan flavor to the Midwest
Discover the delicious foods of Venezuela with Orlando Sanchez, chef, and owner of Cumaco Arepa House, in this two-part kitchen segment.
Sanchez discussed the Venezuelan dish, arepas, and taught us how to make this tasty treat. He also shared his specialty arepas and fillings, including the popular Reina Pepiada, a chicken, and avocado filling.
In addition to discussing arepas, Orlando showcased more of his specialty arepas and fillings, including the popular Reina Pepiada, which consists of poached chicken breast, avocado, mustard, salt, black pepper, and mayonnaise. He took all his ingredients and assembled them together to create the perfect meal that will surely have your mouth watering.
If you’re looking to expand your culinary horizons and learn more about the delicious foods of Venezuela, don’t miss this two-part kitchen segment featuring Orlando Sanchez of Cumaco Arepa House.
You can visit Cumaco Arepa House’s website to learn more about the restaurant’s hours and location.