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Car Seat Safety

Did you know? 73% of car seats are installed incorrectly. To help preview the Dorel and Allstate Insurance Company Summer Safety Car Seat Check on June 17th, Car Seat Safety Expert Michelle Williams gives us a few tips on how to do it the RIGHT way. Here are a few things to consider when installing or buying a car seat:

Where is the safest place to install a car seat?

You want to follow the instructions for both the car seat and the vehicle. After the install, you can test by making sure the car seat does not move no more than an inch from side to side along the belt pathHow can I be sure my child is secure?

Experts test the snugness with the “pinch test”. If you pinch the harness straps at the shoulder and can gather more than inch of material, it is too loose. Adjust each time your child gets into the seat to make sure it is tight and comfortable.How can I make sure my child’s car seat is installed correctly?

Before you hit the road, check in with a local Child Passenger Safety Technician to ensure your child’s seat is installed correctly. This afternoon at the Dorel Headquarters in Columbus we are having a really fun car seat safety event. It’s from 1 – 5 p.m. and you can come get your car seat checked and we will also have fun activities for the kids. Including a giant oversized car seat – its 15 feet tall – local fire fighters for kids to tour the truck and of course ice cream! It’s all free and no appointment is necessary.When will my child be ready for a forward-facing car seat?

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) advises children remain rear facing until at least the age of two. Best practice is to stay rear-facing as long as possible, allowed by your car seat’s height, weight and other criteria. According to a study in the Journal of Injury Prevention children under the age of two are 75 percent less likely to perish or be severely injured in the event of a car crash if they are rear facing. AAP found children are 5 times safer if they are rear facing to age 2.How long can I keep a car seat?

Car seats expire. Check the manual for instructions on where to find your expiration date. You can also contact the manufacture.My neighbor gave us a hand-me-down car seat. How do I know if it is safe for my child?

The history of a car seat tells a lot about its ability to protect on the road ahead. Has it been in a crash? Has it been recalled? Is it expired? If you aren’t able to answer those questions, best not to use it.Is it safe to use a car seat after it has been in a crash?

Once a car seat has been in a crash you should contact you manufacture, plastic can warp and materials can fray without us knowing and the car seat will not protect a child correctly.How should I dispose of an old or damaged car seat?

To recycle a car seat, check with your local waste management facility to see if they recycle Most seats are number 5 plastic. Most importantly, please make sure the car seat is not used by another child.My older child hates using a booster seat, is it really necessary?

Seat belts in kids are made for adults. If you have an older child, boosters are extremely important as they ensure that the car’s lap and shoulder belts are positioned in a way that will properly restrain them in the event of an accident The booster does this. Most states require a child to be in a some sort of seat until 8 years old as they have been proven to reduce the risk of serious injury by 45%, according to Safe Kids. (Some booster seats, like the Safety 1st Incognito Kid Positioning Seat, are very inconspicuous!)What should I do to make sure the inside of my car is safe for my child?

Just as important as safe guarding your home, don’t forget about the car. It’s important to eliminate projectiles; anything in the car that is not secured is a possible projectile. That could be a child’s toy, wet nap container, or a water bottle. In a crash, objects take on greater weight due to crash forces. The most dangerous projectile is often the family pet. Please make sure 4 legged family members are also properly restrained.Safety 1st Air Protect Tour

Dorel Juvenile Technical Center for Child Safety

2525 State St

Columbus, IN 47201

June 17, 2016

1PM – 5PM

To learn more, visit