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Graeter’s Ice Cream releases BONUS FLAVOR

Graeter’s Ice Cream recently unveiled its first bonus flavor of the season, and Jeanine Bobenmoyer from TheCityMoms joined us to discuss this exciting news.

Bobenmoyer explained that Graeter’s Ice Cream has a tradition of releasing special bonus flavors throughout the year, adding a touch of excitement to their already beloved ice cream offerings.

Bobenmoyer delves into the origins of the Bonus Flavor campaign, explaining that it began as a way for Graeter’s to surprise and delight their loyal customers.

The idea was to create limited-time flavors that would spark curiosity and draw people to their ice cream shops. Over the years, the campaign has become highly anticipated by Graeter’s enthusiasts, who eagerly await the announcement of each new bonus flavor.

When asked about what sets Graeter’s Ice Cream apart from other brands, Bobenmoyer highlights their commitment to quality.

For those interested in learning more about Graeter’s Ice Cream and their Bonus Flavors, visit their website at The website provides information about their various flavors, the history of the company, and their commitment to using only the finest ingredients.

(WISH Photo)