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Indy Dog Whisperer: How to teach your dog to greet front door visitors respectfully

There are a few things dogs and their owners should understand when it comes to front door protocol, and Nathan Lowe, The Indy Dog Whisperer, joined us today to break it all down.

1.  Clear Space in Front of Door 

     –  “Herd” dog away from door 

     –  Set a “body language boundary” 

2.  “Claim” Guest(s) 

     –  Put guest to your back and face the dog 

     –  Temporarily prevent access to guest 

3.  Instruct Guests to Temporarily Ignore Dog 

     – Vocal/visual interaction from guest can excite dog to push past you 

     –  Dog should perceive you are in control 

4.  Allow Interaction When Dog is Calm 

     –  Step aside and allow calm interaction 

     –  “Re-claim” guest if dog re-excites 

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