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Prepare your HVAC system for warm weather

With warmer weather on the horizon, it’s important for homeowners to prepare their HVAC systems for the summer months. HVAC Specialist Jackson Davis and Marketing Manager Brittany Katterjohn of Complete Comfort Heating, Air & Plumbing shared some tips on how to get your system ready for the summer.

One key step homeowners can take is to schedule a bi-annual tune-up with a certified technician. This allows for a thorough cleaning, inspection, and testing of the system, helping to catch any potential problems before they turn into serious issues.

When should homeowners call a professional for maintenance? According to the experts at Complete Comfort, if you notice any strange noises, smells, or a decrease in performance from your HVAC system, it’s time to call in the professionals.

For those interested in an annual maintenance plan, Complete Comfort offers a 5-star membership program that includes preventative maintenance, discounts on repairs, extended warranties, and priority service.

Complete Comfort Heating, Air & Plumbing has been serving Central Indiana for the past 20 years, and their #1 value is servanthood. They are dedicated to empowering their friends and neighbors to perform HVAC and plumbing tasks themselves and are always available for questions related to plumbing and HVAC.

To help homeowners prepare their HVAC system for summer, Complete Comfort is currently offering a $69 safety inspection and tune-up, regularly priced at $130. Contact them today to learn more about their services and schedule your appointment.

Please visit their website at  or call their office at (317) 480-1414.