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The importance of giving rescue dogs a leg up

The Indy Dog Whisperer: Giving a shelter dog a chance

Nathan Lowe, known as the Indy Dog Whisperer, highlighted the importance of giving rescue dogs a chance. He was joined by Bob Basler, the owner of Molly, an adorable rescue dog.

Basler, a former journalist born in Indianapolis, has traveled the world working for Reuters and has written for the New York Times. Now back in Indianapolis, he and his wife are committed to animal rescue. They found Molly through Grateful Rescue, a Muncie-based organization. Basler shared how they discovered Molly after losing a beloved dog a year and a half ago.

Initially, the Baslers were unsure about adopting Molly, a large sheepdog who had never been out of a cage. She struggled with the transition to indoor living and was very clingy. Nathan Lowe was brought in to help.

Lowe explained that Molly’s clinginess was due to her unfamiliarity with her new environment and the high-pitched tones used by her owners, which made her more anxious. He emphasized the importance of staying calm and using a low tone to reassure the dog that everything is fine.

“Molly had to learn she didn’t need to cling to her owners for assurance,” said Lowe. “By maintaining a calm demeanor, the Baslers helped Molly gain confidence and become more independent.”

The Baslers noted the significant improvement in Molly’s behavior after Lowe’s intervention. Basler recounted how they would find doors mysteriously open, only to discover through a video camera that Molly had learned to open them herself.

Lowe’s advice to rescue dog owners is not to give up, even when the situation feels overwhelming. He stressed that with patience and the right approach, rescue dogs can adapt and thrive in their new homes.

For those interested in adopting a rescue dog, organizations like Grateful Rescue offer support and resources to help ensure a successful transition for both the pet and the owner.

Listen to the Indy Dog Whisperer podcast on the All INdiana Podcast Network.