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Why you need mulch for your plants, order in bulk

Are you looking for a reason to get out of the house? Well, right now is a great time to start a new garden or improving the one you have.

This morning Sammi Boram, marketing & fundraising specialist for Musselman Landscape Solutions joined us to answer some important questions about mulch to help you get started.

This year with everyone at home doing their part to stop the spread, we are getting more questions and people interested in gardening and ordering bulk mulch than ever before.

We’re so happy to help people get to work outside with their families and get to work together, it’s great for your physical and mental health

Other than that, the main reasons for mulch are that it is great for your plants (protection, moisture retention, weed control), and a quick and affordable home improvement project.

It’s old by the cubic yard and delivered right to your driveway — we have a handy calculator on our website to help you determine how much to order!

Musselman Landscape Solutions specializes in manufacturing quality Bark products.

Bark mulches, in particular, add the benefit of restoring nutrients to your soil for your plants — we always recommend a good bark mulch especially in Indiana with heavy clay soil.

Musselman Landscape Solutions offers quick and easy ordering, hands-free delivery.

Offering discounted deliveries on Mondays and Tuesdays and you can order online and save on each cubic yard you order!

 You can also choose to donate your discount to one of the community organizations we partner with, listed on our website or donate your discount to help us make donations each week to the COVID-19 Economic Relief Fund through the United Way of Central Indiana.

Find out more Musselman Landscape on their website and social media: