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Daybreak anchors share baby news in surprise announcement

The Daybreak family is growing again as Daybreak anchors Lauren Lowrey and Kylie Conway used custom cookies and t-shirts in a surprise pregnancy announcement, Thursday morning. It is the second pregnancy for both women who each have due dates in September 2018.

Fancy Fortune Cookies made Easter-themed cookies for the announcement. 

The announcement was hidden within a news story related to national spending for the Easter holiday and the top Easter treats preferred in each state. The two women used it to segue into locally made fortune cookies from Fancy Fortune Cookies, which made Easter-themed cookies with a customized message inside.

Meteorologist Randy Ollis read the printed message to the viewers:

Easter Bunny, Easter Egg
We celebrate the stork instead
Our TV family grows, it’s true
Someone’s having #2!”

“We wanted to have Randy read it, live on-air, because for over a year he’s been asking us when we were having more babies,” said Conway. “His reactions are also always incredibly honest and genuine.”

After Ollis finished reading, Lowrey opened her blazer to reveal a printed, black t-shirt underneath reading “It’s Me!” But that wasn’t the only surprise. After the team shared congratulations, Conway revealed she was also wearing a custom t-shirt that read “me, too!”

The moment was met with surprise from Scott Sander and Randy Ollis.

“We wanted to make the announcement together because we figured no one would expect it,” said Lowrey. “Frankly, we never would’ve dreamed to have this pregnancy journey together, again, especially not so close!”

The women explained how quickly their plan came together. They shared the news with their Executive Producer Friday, March 23. The three met again the following Monday to discuss ideas for making the on-air announcement. By the end of that meeting, the three settled on the custom fortune cookies as well as specially printed t-shirts from Rivet Press in downtown Indianapolis, which typically only fills large orders.

“We literally called the two companies to make orders on Monday [March 26], which is not very much time to do small, custom orders for either company,” said Lowrey. “We needed the cookies and t-shirts by Wednesday [March 28], so they both went out of their way to to help us pull off our big surprise within 48 hours.”

Learning the good news

Conway had noticed a change in what Lowrey was eating.

“Something smelled so good one day and I asked Lauren what she was eating. It was completely different from the clean, healthy food she typically eats. Also, all mentions of any wine or dinner cocktails had totally gone silent,” said Conway. “Once you sit next to someone for enough years, you notice when they start doing things differently.”

Kylie and Lauren spend time in the makeup room together almost every morning. Finally one morning Kylie decided to break the ice.

“I just shut the door to the makeup room so no one could hear me and I said to Lauren ‘I’m pregnant. And I’m pretty sure you are too,” Conway said.

“What’s crazy is this is exactly how it went down when we were both pregnant in 2015 with our first [children],” says Lowrey.

In 2015, the Daybreak team celebrated three healthy pregnancies and births between Conway, reporter Nina Criscuolo and Lowrey who were all pregnant at the same time.

“At that time in 2015, we were all about 11 weeks apart in our pregnancies,” said Lowrey. “This time, Nina was ahead of us by several months with the recent birth of her child, but now Kylie and I are sharing the ups-and-downs of second pregnancies together again.”

“What’s even crazier is that, even though it’s not Nina there are still three of us here on WISH-TV pregnant!” said Conway.

Indy Style co-host Amber Hankins is also expecting her second child. She broke the news about her August due date in January, and recently revealed the baby’s gender on Indy Style.

Lowrey is due with a boy in early-to-mid September while Conway’s due date is later that same month. Share your well-wishes on their Facebook pages, so be sure to follow Lauren and Kylie.