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Friday’s business headlines

Friday’s business headlines 06/21/24

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Here is a look at Friday’s business headlines with Jane King.

Hoosiers need $100k salary to make ends meet

Indiana isn’t as expensive as many other states for a family of four, but you still need to make around six figures to make ends meet.

Smart asset crunched the data, which was gathered by MIT, and found in Indiana a family of four needs to bring in just about $103,000.

The cost difference between states is largely due to housing and taxes.

Americans take least vacations globally

Americans take the least vacations globally, averaging just 11 days. Only half of Americans plan to use all their allotted time off.

The French are doing the opposite. In the survey, France won the spot as the country that gets the most days off, about a month. This is all according to Expedia’s 24th annual vacation deprivation report.

Olive Garden to raise menu prices

Olive Garden said it plans to keep raising its menu prices, even as top executives admitted that sales dropped in the latest quarter because of higher prices.

Parent company Darden, which also operates Longhorn, Ruth’s Chris and Capitol Grille steakhouse chains, says it will raise prices companywide on average by 2% to 3% over the next 12 months.

Some restaurant chains have introduced value and combo meals to give customers a break.

Americans want 24/7 business hours

Nine-to-five businesses aren’t good enough, suggests a new study. Instead, Americans want businesses to operate 24/7.

According to a study by Chime and the Financial Technology Association, people want their grocery stores, pharmacies and even their banks to stay open around the clock.

Over half use a number of services in their neighborhood that are only open during their working hours. The biggest offenders are banks, post offices, shipping centers, dentist and primary care doctors.