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How to watch Indiana barn owl nesting 5 eggs

On the night of April 4, 2023 in a barn somewhere in southern Indiana, a barn owl incubates five eggs. It's all being livestreamed. (Image from Livestream)

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Somewhere in a barn in southern Indiana, a barn owl is incubating five eggs, and it’s all being livestreamed.

Barn owls, once numerous in Indiana, are few and far between, mainly due to habitat loss, says the Indiana Department of Natural Resources.

Barn owl eggs usually hatch chicks in April or May. Unfortunately that may be hard to catch on the livestream since only up to 20 people can watch simultaneously.

The nest box in the livestream was built in 2009. “Wildlife biologists within the Division of Fish & Wildlife have placed more than 400 barn owl nest boxes since 1984,” Natural Resources reports on the livestream page.

The Indiana Nongame Wildlife Fund, to which people can contribute on their income tax forms, helps to buy nest boxes.

One last warning from the state about viewing the livestream: “Natural events may be disturbing to some viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.”