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Kayla highlights the most annoying kid toys

Kid-ing with Kayla: Whether it was on sale, on a wish list, or just something you thought your child might like, Kayla Sullivan advises parents to consider how loud it might be before purchasing. Kayla jokingly confirms she regrets buying her son the annoying electronic drum set for Christmas.

Kayla asked her followers to share the most annoying toys their kids got for Christmas:

  • Recorder
  • Voice Changer
  • Cocomelon Toys
  • Karaoke Machine
  • Complicated toys that require intricate set up
  • Keyboard
  • Yo-Yo that they don’t know how to wind back up so they make their mom do it multiple times
  • Slime
  • Nerf Guns
  • Toys with a bunch of tiny pieces
  • Giant toys that take up too much space
  • Bop It

For more Kid-ing with Kayla, follow Kayla Sullivan on Facebook or click here!