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Indiana woman calls for end to violence in Sudan

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Many people across the state are concerned about the humanitarian crisis in Sudan, including one Sudanese woman living in Indiana, who says she fears for her loved ones caught in the middle of the military strikes.

Hagir Dousa tells News 8 she hasn’t been able to sleep and has lost contact with her family, unstable phone lines making it difficult to stay in touch with her mother and siblings.

“I just care about her all day. What happened to my mom, what happened to my sisters and brothers,” Dousa said.

The fighting in Sudan has left over 400 people, including 264 civilians, dead, and thousands of people hurt. “In the real life, they never stop for one minute. They just killed the people,” Dousa said.

Dousa says amid the explosions and gunfire people are struggling to find food, shelter, and medical care. “It’s very, very bad because the hospital, they closed the hospital. Some of the doctors ran away. There’s no medicine, no food, no water, no drink, no everything,” Dousa said.

To help raise awareness, at Monument Circle, Dousa wants people to share pictures of her posters on social media with the hashtag #StopTheWarInSudan.

“When I stand here with the picture, with the poster, sometimes people ask me what’s going on and what’s happening. They do that for me and some people use the hashtag,” Dousa said.

Despite the attacks on her country, Dousa says she remains hopeful, saying, “Today is not easy. Tomorrow is very difficult, but the day after tomorrow will be wonderful.”

Dousa says she hopes more Hoosiers will rally with her against the conflict in Sudan and is also asking organizations like UNICEF as well as government officials to help stop the fighting.

United Nations officials say they are preparing for tens of thousands of people fleeing to neighboring countries.