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Pumpkins more expensive to produce this year

(As Seen on WISH)

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Pumpkin prices may be up a little higher this year.

Stephen Meyers, assistant professor of weed science at Purdue University said fertilizer, labor, and pesticides are more expensive this year compared to last, but he is not sure how much of that will be passed on to consumers.

Meyers says this year’s crop is a little below average, but not to worry

“I don’t think 20 years from now this will be one of those years people will be talking about being good or bad. this good news is there’s still plenty of pumpkins to be picked, to be carved, to be eaten, and as a consumer I wouldn’t worry about there being a pumpkin shortage. or anything like that, at least in the state of Indiana this year,” he said.

Indiana is one of the nation’s largest pumpkin producers.

Purdue says the state grows pumpkins on about 6,000 acres of land each year.

The majority are sold whole rather than processed into canned pumpkin or pumpkin seeds.