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We’re tracking rain, fog and mild temperatures.

Monday evening forecast

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Winter weather returns midweek with light snow and colder temperatures.

Monday night:

It will be wet and mild tonight with areas of patchy fog overnight.

Temperatures will hold steady in the 40s for much of the night as scattered rain showers continue into the overnight hours.


Prepare for a wet start to the day with spotty showers and areas of patchy fog.

Isolated showers will linger into the afternoon hours. Enjoy another day of mild afternoon temperatures with highs in the mid to upper 40s.


We’ll start our Wednesday with light rain, rain will transition to light snow by Wednesday evening. It will be mild Wednesday morning with temperatures in the 30s, temperatures will fall throughout the day as a cold front moves across the state.

8 Day forecast:

The gradual cooling trend continues through the end of the workweek. It will be sunny and dry Thursday and Friday afternoon. Expect afternoon temperatures in the upper 20s to low 30s Wednesday and Thursday. We’ll remain chilly and dry through the weekend.