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Pet Psychic: Get Reliable Insights From These Top Platforms

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Wishing you could get inside your pet’s head? We’ve all been there, right? The thought of chatting with our pets and really getting them is pretty cool.

Enter the world of pet psychic reading services. Choosing the best psychics for your pet can be a maze. But don’t sweat it. 

We’ve sifted through the options and brought you the cream of the crop in pet psychic services, steering clear of dodgy tactics. These services are packed with top-tier pet psychics who can’t wait to make a connection with your animal pals. 

Discover why Keen is the go-to in the pet psychic scene, and check out other solid choices.

Where To Find the Best Pet Psychics Online in 2024

First Look

  1. Keen – Best pet psychics overall (5 mins for $1) 
  2. Kasamba – Most affordable pet psychics (50% OFF + 3 free mins) 
  3. California Psychics – Most widely-known pet psychics ($1/min) 
  4. Psychic Source – Best pet psychics via video ($1/min) 

Have you ever had that moment where you’re like, “Man, I wish I could just chat with my furball!”? We totally get it! 

So, we’ve rolled up our sleeves and dug deep to find you the ultimate online pet psychics. Seriously, we’ve scoured the interwebs, turned over virtual rocks, and now we’re here to spill the beans. 

Brace yourself for the lowdown on the top platforms that dish out pet psychic readings. 

1. Keen – Best Pet Psychics Overall

Keen – Best Pet Psychics Overall


  • Reliable mobile app
  • 5 minutes for $1
  • 1,700+ real psychics
  • 24/7 service 
  • Satisfaction Guarantee


  • No video readings

You’re probably wondering why Keen made it to the #1 position of the best pet psychic platforms, right? 

Well, the psychics at Keen aren’t just your average readers. These guys are like the pet whisperers of the psychic world. Seriously, they’re highly skilled professionals, and they know their stuff when it comes to animal psychic readings.

Top Keen Features

  • Trusted Review System: Keen has a reliable review and rating system. You can check out honest feedback from other users to help you pick the perfect pet psychic for your furry friend.
  • Informative Video Tips: They also have incredible video tips from top-notch pet psychics. They cover everything from how to make the most out of your online reading to what to do afterward and even how to get the most bang for your buck.
  • Matchmaker Tool: Keen’s Matchmaker Tool is like your personal psychic matchmaker. It helps you find the perfect pet psychic based on your needs and preferences.
  • Insights and Articles: Keen also offers a lot of fantastic content. Horoscopes, articles, you name it! They’ve got everything you need to deepen your understanding of animal communication.
  • Rigorous Screening: Keen doesn’t mess around when it comes to picking their psychics. They have a thorough vetting process, so you know you’re getting someone trustworthy and reliable. That’s why they’re #1 in our book.

Why We Chose Keen

In the vast digital world, anyone can toss around the term ‘psychic,’ right? But Keen? They’re legit. A few things make Keen shine. Their website is easy to navigate, stylish, up-to-date, and you’ll spot what you need in a snap. 

Keen also boasts an extensive roster of psychic advisors. What’s more, they’re available for live readings round the clock. That’s pretty handy. And get this—Keen is both trustworthy and wallet-friendly. Quality readings that don’t cost an arm and a leg. 

For just $1, you can enjoy 5 minutes of your initial reading. Quite the bargain, isn’t it?

Trusted Pet Psychics on Keen

  • Amber Marine: She has fantastic clairsentient and clairaudient abilities that make her readings spot on. With over 4,041 readings under her belt since 2021, she’s maintained a perfect 5-star rating. 
  • Arnold Heart: He’s a clairvoyant and empath who’s done a whopping 7,207 readings since 2014 and has an impressive rating of 4.9. That’s a whole lot of happy clients right there.


Keen’s not just riding the popularity wave; it’s the go-to for pet owners wanting psychic insights for their animal companions. With an array of psychics, various contact options, and customer reviews at your fingertips, it’s a solid pick. 

But keep this in mind: psychics vary, and Keen’s pricing may be on the higher side compared to others. 

So, while Keen’s services are top-tier, consider these points when choosing a pet psychic.

>>Get 5 minutes for $1 on Keen

2. Kasamba – Most Affordable Pet Psychics

Kasamba – Most Affordable Pet Psychics


  • 50% off first reading
  • 20+ years of experience
  • User-friendly Interface
  • 3 minutes free
  • Variety of pet psychics


  • Limited refund policy, up to $50
  • Lacks video readings

Kasamba has been the real deal since 1999, not just another psychic service. It’s the trusted source for life guidance, and also delivers when it comes to pet psychics. Their animal communicators are top-notch. Imagine chatting with your pet as if they could text you back—that’s the level of connection we’re talking about.

Top Kasamba Features

  • Ratings and Reviews: Kasamba has an incredible rating and review system. You can read what other folks have to say about their experiences with different pet psychics. It’s like having insider info to help you make the best choice.
  • Live Chat Option: Kasamba also offers live chat sessions with pet psychics. That means you can get real-time insights and guidance whenever you need them—no waiting around for an appointment.
  • Flexible Scheduling: Kasamba understands that life can get crazy sometimes. That’s why they offer flexible scheduling options. You can book a session with a pet psychic whenever it suits you best. Talk about convenience.
  • Enticing discounts: Kasamba gives you 3 free chat minutes with 3 advisors and another 3-minute free consultation plus 50% OFF on your first session.

Why We Chose Kasamba

Kasamba is not just riding on two decades of experience; they’ve got a little extra magic. A huge network of pet psychics and a user-friendly platform? Check. Looking for spiritual insights for your pet? Look no further. 

And here’s the kicker: Kasamba’s psychics can reach out to pets on the other side. It’s a game-changer for pet owners seeking closure or a peek into the afterlife of their pets. For those tough goodbyes, Kasamba offers a comforting hand.

Trusted Pet Psychics on Kasamba

  • Sarah: With years of experience in pet communication, Sarah has helped countless pet owners understand their furry friends better. She’s a pro at getting to the bottom of your pet’s needs and behaviors.
  • James: His incredible connection with animals makes his readings super precise. Pet owners love him for the insightful guidance he offers.
  • Naomi: If you’re looking for someone empathetic and compassionate, Naomi is your go-to. She’s known for her ability to really understand pet-related concerns and offer solid advice.


Kasamba is a sure bet. Their pet psychic services are a breeze to access, giving pet owners the lowdown on their furry pals. But let’s get real: not all readings are created equal, and prices will vary. However, Kasamba has a diverse lineup of advisors, and their site is a cinch to navigate. Just do your homework, check those reviews, and find your psychic match.

>>Get 50% OFF on your first pet reading on Kasamba

3. California Psychics – Most Widely-Known Pet Psychics 

California Psychics – Most Widely-Known Pet Psychics


  • Phone and chat readings
  • Highly screened online psychics
  • Karma Rewards
  • Over 28 years of experience
  • $1-per-minute packages


  • The price structure isn’t clear
  • No video readings

California Psychics rolls out the red carpet when it comes to psychic guidance. With a whopping 28 years in the business, they’ve earned their stripes as a trusted go-to for advice. 

They have it all. Whether you’re into pet psychic consultations, tarot readings, or astrology services, they’ve got something to fit your vibe.

And let’s talk convenience. Their search filter makes finding your perfect psychic match a breeze. Plus, with rates as low as $1 per minute, you can dive into insightful readings without worrying about breaking the bank.

But wait, there’s more! 

Their Karma Rewards program is like the cherry on top, showering loyal clients with discounts and gifts as a big ol’ thank you for sticking around. Now, that’s what we call showing some love.

Top California Psychics Features

  • Find-a-Psychic Tool: This handy tool helps you find the perfect psychic based on what you’re looking for.
  • Diverse Selection of Psychic Reading Methods: Whether you’re into tarot cards, astrology, or something else, California Psychics has got you covered.
  • Horoscopes, Blogs, and Articles: They have a ton of content written by their psychics, giving you all sorts of insights into the world of psychic readings.
  • Satisfaction Guarantee and 24/7 Customer Service: California Psychics stands by their services; if you’re unhappy, they’ll ensure you’re well compensated. Their customer service is also available 24/7 to help with any questions or concerns.

Why We Chose California Psychics

California Psychics gives its competitors a run for their money when it comes to delivering top-notch pet psychic services. They’re all about quality and have a team of pros who really know their stuff. Plus, their website is super easy to use, so you can bet it’s a go-to for pet owners looking for psychic insights for their furry pals.

Trusted Pet Psychics on California Psychics

  • Ozias: Known for her empathic abilities, Ozias is like the pet whisperer. She has helped many clients understand what their pets are feeling and why they’re acting the way they do.
  • Darlene: With over a decade of experience, Darlene is a pro at connecting with animals. Pet owners love her for the insightful guidance she offers.
  • Amber: If you’re looking for someone who really gets animal communication, Amber is your go-to. Her readings are accurate and super compassionate, earning her rave reviews from happy clients.


California Psychics has a team of experienced and reputable psychics, a website that’s super easy to use, and they’re all about making sure their customers are happy.

And if you’re concerned about pricing, trust us when we tell you that California Psychics is one of the most affordable psychic platforms, with readings for as low as $1 per minute.

>>Get cheap $1/min pet psychic readings on Psychic Source

4. Psychic Source – Best Pet Psychics via Video

Psychic Source – Best Pet Psychics via Video


  • Video readings available
  • 30+ years of expertise
  • Many positive customer reviews
  • 3-minute free reading 
  • Affordable $1/min psychic readings


  • Some psychics don’t do video readings

Imagine being able to consult a pet psychic via video. That’s what Psychic Source is all about. The site is well-known for offering all sorts of psychic services specifically for pets.

At Psychic Source, these pet psychics are like animal whisperers. They use their intuitive powers to connect with your furry pals. They can clue you in on your pet’s behavior, emotions, and even their overall well-being. It’s like having a whole new level of understanding with your pet.

Top Psychic Source Features

  • Customer Reviews: They have honest reviews from other pet owners on the platform. These reviews give you the inside scoop on each psychic’s abilities, making it easier to pick the perfect one for your beloved animal.
  • Pet Compatibility Matching: Here’s the cool part. Psychic Source has a unique feature that helps you find a pet psychic who totally vibes with your specific animal companion. That means you get a reading that’s personalized and super meaningful.
  • Cheap $1/Min Readings: Yes, you read that right! They have readings for just a buck a minute. Additionally, new customers get a 3-minute free psychic reading.
  • Video Psychic Readings: They offer video psychic readings for that face-to-face experience.

Why We Chose Psychic Source 

Psychic Source stands out because they’ve been in the game for a while and are all about quality. When it comes to pet psychics, they’re top-notch. They’re great at pairing you up with advisors you can trust, which is why many people turn to them when they need guidance for their pets.

Trusted Pet Psychics on Psychic Source

  • Maxwell the Energy Healer: Maxwell is all about energy healing for pets. He focuses on making sure your furry friend is feeling balanced and healthy, taking a holistic approach to pet care.
  • Zara the Intuitive Communicator: Zara is fantastic at helping pet owners and their furry friends understand each other better. She is all about deepening that special bond between pets and their human companions.
  • Luna the Animal Whisperer: Luna has an incredible connection with animals. Seriously, she’s like the Dr. Doolittle of the psychic world! She can give you all the insight you need into your pet’s behavior and emotions, helping you understand them better than ever before.


If you’re looking for some psychic guidance for your furry friend, Psychic Source has got your back. They have a team of experienced advisors ready to help you out. Plus, they take your privacy seriously and offer all sorts of services to help you connect with your pet on a deeper level.

>>Get affordable $1/min readings on Psychic Source

What Is a Pet Psychic?

Curious about pet psychics? They’re the animal kingdom’s confidants. These gifted individuals, also known as animal communicators, bridge the gap between us and our pets, whether they’re here or have crossed the rainbow bridge. They’re like the regular psychics for humans but with a twist—they vibe with pets to get the scoop on their emotions, thoughts, and life stories.

How Do Pet Psychics Work?

They’re all about that telepathic pet talk. Sounds wild, doesn’t it? 

Picture this: you’re in a session, and the pet psychic’s getting all the information they need on your pet—name, age, any pet peeves you’re fretting over. Next thing you know, they’re zoning in, syncing up with your pet’s vibe. 

Maybe a little meditation, a dash of visualization, and bam—they’re linked up. 

And once they’re tuned in, it’s like they’ve got VIP access to your pet’s mind—visuals, vibes, maybe even some heart-to-hearts. 

It’s as if they’re mind-melding with your furry buddy. Armed with this intel, they decode your pet’s inner world, their feelings, thoughts, and if they’re feeling any pain. It’s a whole new level of pet insight.

Types of Pet Psychics

Let’s break down the different types of pet psychics:

Animal Energy Healers

These folks focus on your pet’s energy fields and chakras. They use things like reiki, crystal healing, and energy balancing to help your furry friend feel better, physically and emotionally. Their main goal is to restore balance and harmony to your pet’s energy system.

Animal Intuitives

Intuitives rely on their instincts and empathic abilities to understand animals. They pay close attention to things like body language, energy, and emotions to figure out what your pet is feeling. 

Animal Behavior Consultants

These experts aren’t just psychics; they’re also behavior specialists. They use a mix of scientific knowledge and intuitive insights to tackle issues like aggression, anxiety, and phobias in pets. 

Mediums for Deceased Pets

Ever heard of pet psychics who dial into the afterlife? They’re the go-to for those missing their furry pals. These sessions are like a balm for the heart, offering solace to those who’ve said goodbye.

Telepathic Communicators

These psychics can vibe with your pet; no words are needed. They’re all about catching those silent feels and thoughts, telepathy-style.

Animal Tarot Card Readers

Think tarot with a twist—tailor-made for your four-legged friends. These readers whip out decks that speak ‘animal,’ dishing out symbols and advice for your pet’s journey and joy.

Aura Readers

Aura readers are the pet world’s color analysts. They check out your pet’s energy wardrobe to clue you in on their mood swings, health vibes, and what makes them tick.

>>Get 5 minutes for $1 from our top pick, Keen

How Do I Choose a Pet Psychic Reader?

Here are some tips to help you choose the best pet psychic:

Introductory Offers

Keep an eye out for pet psychics offering introductory rates or special promotions for first-timers. It’s a great way to try out their services before committing to regular sessions.

Satisfaction Guarantees

Ensure the pet psychic offers satisfaction guarantees or refunds if you’re unhappy with the reading. It’s always good to have that peace of mind.

User Reviews

Check out reviews from other pet owners who’ve used the psychic’s services. Feedback from previous customers can give you a good idea of how effective they are.

Site’s Screening Process

If you’re using an online platform to find a pet psychic, find out about their screening process. You want to go with platforms that thoroughly vet their psychics.

Preferred Communication Method

See if the pet psychic offers communication methods that work for you. Do you prefer video, chat, in-person, or phone psychics?

Our Selection Criteria for the Pet Psychics

We didn’t just pull our ranking of the best pet psychics out of thin air. We considered many factors, including:

Accuracy of Readings

We made sure to check out what clients were saying about the psychics’ readings. We looked for consistency and reliability to ensure they were the real deal.

Experience and Expertise

We also looked at how much experience the pet psychics had, what kind of training they had, and how much they knew about talking to animals.

Ethical Standards

It was super important to us that the psychics were ethical and cared about the well-being of pets and their owners.


We made sure to consider affordability, too. We wanted to ensure that getting a top-notch pet psychic reading wouldn’t break the bank.

Range of Services

Last but not least, we looked for psychics who offered many different reading services. Whether you need help with your pet’s behavior, finding a lost pet, or dealing with the tough stuff like end-of-life support, we wanted to ensure there was someone for everyone.

By considering all these things, we put together a list of the best pet psychics you can trust.

>>Get 5 minutes for $1 from our top pick, Keen

FAQs on Pet Psychics

If you’re testing the waters and thinking about contacting a pet psychic, you might have a few questions. Let’s clear some things up:

What Can Pet Psychics Help With?

Pet psychics can help with a myriad of issues concerning your pets. They can help you figure out why they behave the way they do, tune into their energy to give you insights into their thoughts, and even tell you about their general well-being and feelings about you.

Can a Pet Psychic Communicate With All Types of Animals?

Yes, psychics communicate with all types of animals, including but not limited to cats, dogs, horses, and exotic animals. Therefore, don’t feel restricted when booking your consultation.

Are Pet Psychics Ethical?

Like in any profession, ethical standards can vary among pet psychics. While some care about animals and want what’s best for them, others might not be ethical.

When looking for a pet psychic, it’s super important to find someone honest, transparent, and genuinely loves animals. Trust your gut, and look at what other pet owners say in the reviews to help you make the right choice.

How Does an Animal Communicator Work?

Animal communicators use their intuitive abilities to connect with animals telepathically. The cool thing is they don’t even need your pet to be there in person for a reading. 

Whether your furry friend is alive and kicking or has passed away, a pet psychic can tap into their energy and understand what they’re trying to tell you.

Can I Have an Animal Psychic Reading Done Online?

Yes, there are many psychic reading sites providing pet psychic reading services online. Our top picks are Keen, Kasamba, California Psychics, and Psychic Source.

How Do I Prepare My Pet for a Psychic Reading Session?

Getting your pet ready for a psychic reading session is like prepping them for a vet visit or a grooming appointment. Here are a few tips to help your furry friend feel comfortable:

  • Give Your Pet Some Chill-Out Time Before the Session. You know, hang out with them, give them some love, and help them relax. Maybe even do some of their favorite activities together.
  • Make Sure They’re in Their Happy Place. Whether it’s their favorite spot on the couch or their cozy bed, let them chill where they feel most comfortable.
  • Keep the vibes positive. Pets pick up on our energy, so if you’re feeling calm and positive, it’ll help them feel the same way.
  • Treats Are Always a Good Idea. Give them a little treat before and after the session to make it a positive experience.

Are Pet Psychic Readings Accurate?

Yes, however, it’s crucial to get pet psychic readings from trusted psychics on platforms like Keen that screen their psychics to ensure accurate readings.

Can Pet Psychics Help With Behavioral Problems?

Yes, real psychics can give you insights and guidance on things like fear, stress, separation anxiety, or any other challenges your pet might be facing. Just remember, if you have any health-related concerns, it’s always best to chat with your vet too.

How Much Does a Dog Psychic Cost?

The cost of a dog psychic reading can vary greatly depending on a few things, like how experienced the psychic is, how well-known they are, and which platform you’re using. 

Some pet psychics might have really affordable introductory rates, like as low as $1 per minute, while others might be a bit pricier. When you’re thinking about the cost, it’s not just about the price tag; it’s also about the value of the insights you’re getting and how well you connect with the psychic.

>>Get 5 minutes for $1 from our top pick, Keen

Final Thoughts

You’ve reached the end of our review of the best pet psychics, and we hope it’s been super helpful in your quest to find the perfect psychic for you and your furry friend.

Whether you need help with behavioral issues, want to connect with a pet that’s passed away, or simply want to deepen your bond with your current pet, there’s definitely a psychic out there for you.

Keen snagged the #1 spot on our list for a reason! With their top-notch accuracy, experience, and a vast selection of psychics to choose from, they’re hard to beat. Plus, their offer of 5 minutes for just $1? Pretty hard to resist!

But hey, no matter which platform you choose, rest assured you’re dealing with the best of the best in the industry.

Just remember, trust your instincts, look for transparency and ethical standards, and be sure to check out what other pet owners are saying in the reviews. 

Happy pet psychic hunting!

>>Get 5 minutes for $1 from our top pick, Keen