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Big Brothers Big Sisters kicks off ‘100 Men in 50 Days’ campaign

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – The Indianapolis Indians hosted Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Indiana to kick off the “100 Men in 50 Days” campaign.

The goal is obvious, but the need may be less known. Currently 400 of the 600 kids who participate in Big Brothers Big Sisters are waiting for a mentor and many of them are boys.

Big Brothers Big Sisters CEO Darcy Palmer- Schultz says they need men, especially, to step up. They are hoping in 50 days, they can find 100 men who will rise to the challenge.

She says the more men that sign up, the more opportunity those kids will have.

“When we’re able to serve kids in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program, we do see that they grow in self-confidence, they do better in school, they stay out of trouble and they start making really positive decisions about their future. So we want to make sure more kids in our community have that chance.”

If you sign up to mentor, the Indians are offering some awesome perks for you and your little. For more information, click here.