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Monday’s business headlines

Monday’s business headlines

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Here’s a look at Monday’s business headlines with Jane King.

Target misidentifies 3 major U.S. Black history figures

Target has removed a children’s educational kit featuring civil rights figures from its shelves after a history teacher spotted several errors.

The chain admits three major black figures in American history — Carter G. Woodson, W.E.B. DuBois, and Booker T. Washington — were misidentified.

American beef industry hits record low

The U.S. Department of Agriculture says ongoing drought over the last 3 years has affected the biggest beef producing states.

Experts predict beef prices will climb over the next few years as a result.

Interest rates are not coming soon, Fed Chair says

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell appeared on CBS’ “60 Minutes” on Sunday night.

Powell said interest rate cuts won’t be coming soon as the Fed is “wary” of slashing rates too soon.

The Fed reserve has repeatedly said they want inflation at 2% but the actual numbers are far away from that.

Jeff Bezos may cash out billions in Amazon stock

Billionaire businessman Jeff Bezos may cash out billions in Amazon stock this year.

Those shares would be worth nearly $8.6 billion at the stock’s current price.

Bezos’ recent move to Florida from Washington state would mean he could avoid state capital gains taxes on the stock sale.

Rising concern over hearing of gamers

Sound is a major part of the video game experience for many, but we don’t know much about what gaming does to our hearing.

Some studies say hours of video game playing at high decibels can lead to hearing damage, especially among gamers who wear headphones during gameplay.