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Thursday’s business headlines

Thursday’s business headlines

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Here’s a look at Thursday’s business headlines with Jane King.

Marijuana use more common than alcohol

Daily and near-daily marijuana use is now more common than similar levels of drinking in the u.S., according to an analysis of national survey data over four decades.

Alcohol is still more widely used, but 2022 was the first time this intensive level of marijuana use overtook high-frequency drinking, said the study’s author, Jonathan Caulkins, a cannabis policy researcher at Carnegie Mellon University.

From 1992 to 2022, the per capita rate of reporting daily or near-daily marijuana use increased 15-fold.

Roof falls in on sales for property market

Existing home sales unexpectedly fell in April as higher mortgage rates and house prices weighed on demand.

The National Association of Realtors on Wednesday showed inventory increasing last month to a 2-1/2-year high entry-level homes remained scarce.

Home sales have stumbled as interest rates remain high and there are fewer homes for sale.

Teen girls display social media addiction, research shows

Some teen girls are clocking more than five hours a day on their smartphones and most are likely addicted to social media, a fixation that has been tied to poorer health and wellbeing, according to new research from Finland.

Average daily smartphone use was 5.8 hours, and average time spent using social media was nearly four hours. No significant difference was found between weekdays or weekends.

President Biden urged to investigate grocery chains

A group of Democratic lawmakers are calling on President Joe Biden to investigate grocery store chains for price manipulation.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a Massachusetts Democrat who led the letter and is one of its signatories, has called for more competition and stronger enforcement of antitrust laws to bring down grocery prices for families—but her proposed legislation on the topic has been largely stalled in congress.

Apple gets to the core of ‘best album’ debate

Apple says “The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill” is the top album of all time.

But that choice is causing lots of controversy on social media.

Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” was No. 2 and posts say it should be at the top as people will still be listening to it 200 years from now.

“Abbey Road” by The Beatles was third, another one that many thought should have been at the top.