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Wednesday’s business headlines

Wednesday’s business headlines

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Here’s a look at Wednesday’s business headlines with Jane King.

Gambling industry cashes in on big profits

New figures from the gambling industry show America’s casinos won more than $66 billion from gamblers in 2023, making last year the industry’s best year ever.

American Airlines: Bag fees to take flight

American Airlines is raising its bag fees – again. The checked baggage will now cost $40 at the airport. The carrier also said it will start limiting which tickets purchased through a third party are eligible to earn frequent flyer miles.

Deepfakes present challenge to upcoming elections

The first U.S. presidential election in the era of deepfakes is presenting officials with challenges never before seen at a time when tech giants are scaling back their cyber defenses.

Minority home ownership rising notably

Census Bureau data says Asian household homeownership rose the most in 2022, with 63% of Asian households being homeowners.

The National Realtor Association data says Hispanic household homeownership had a considerable rise to 51.1% of Hispanic households.

Black household homeownership had the smallest increase, reaching 44.1%

Home is where the kitchen is

the average American spends over 1,000 hours a year in the kitchen. A survey of 2,000 U.S. adults looked at the time spent in different parts of the home and found that nearly half of respondents host guests at least once a year.