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CDC finds ER visits for overdoses on the rise

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — A new study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows there is no sign of slow down when it comes to the drug epidemic.

The study revealed that ER visits for drug overdoses is up by 30 percent nationwide. Numbers for the Midwest are even higher.

Between July 2016 to Sept. 2017 the CDC said in the Midwest ER visits for opiod overdoses was up by 70 percent.

This increase includes both male and female and all age groups. The study goes onto say that people who have an overdose are more likely to have another overdose.

“The abuse of opioids such as heroin, fentanyl, etcetera is really everyone’s problem and it has extended beyond the doors of the hospital, even pre-hospital providers, even police now are equipped with medications to reverse the effects of these drugs, said trauma surgeon at IU Health Jamie Coleman.

Coleman said the problem puts an increased burden on hospital staff.

“United States emergency rooms are already overcrowded, overloaded and overburdened and this new rise is just adding to that because these patients are incredibly sick, have to be seen and there’s truly an emergency,” she added.

The CDC says for those who come into the emergency room for overdoses, it can be a place of referral for added treatment and support programs to help prevent repeat overdoses.

To learn about overdoses and prevention, click here.