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Doctor says it’s OK to receive flu and COVID-19 vaccines at same time

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Once again, the country is facing a double threat: the coronavirus and influenza.

Health authorities are saying the flu could hit extra hard this season. Layer that on top of the emergence of delta-plus, and doctors say vaccination against both viruses is essential.

Say a person is planning on getting both, which one should take priority and how long should a person wait between vaccines? News 8 turned to Dr. Amy Beth Kressel, infectious disease specialist at Eskenazi Health, for the answer.

“Right now, you can get your flu and COVID-19 vaccines together,” Kressel said. “The advice is get it in different arms. So, yes you can get them together and it will save time. In general, we do recommend people do get their flu vaccine by the end of October.”

Kressel says to get the shots in separate arms to avoid added injection site soreness, which is a common side effect after most vaccinations.